(Snohomish County Only)

Man with Snow Blowing Machines

Dependable Snow Removal – Keeping Private Properties Clear

Winter doesn’t wait—and neither should you. Snow-covered driveways, parking lots, and apartment complexes can quickly become a hazard. When heavy snow falls, you need a fast, reliable service to clear the way.

Our private snow plowing services are available exclusively in Snohomish County. We do not plow public streets—our services are for private neighborhoods, driveways, parking lots, and apartment complexes.

Man snow plowing on a thick ice

Wicked Wash Provides:

✔ Private Driveway & Apartment Complex Plowing
✔ Neighborhood & Parking Lot Clearing
✔ Fast & Reliable Service – Clearing snow before it causes disruptions.
✔ Eco Wash Snow Plowing – Starting at $50/hour for light snowfall conditions

Private dirveways with snow

Private Driveways

Winter within apartment complexes

Apartment Complexes

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Winter in commericial area

Commercial Parking Lots

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Retirement Homes

Retirement Homes

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Rush Service



Overnight Snow Removal



Rush Service

Restrictions: No public roads, only private properties.


Service Area: Snohomish County only.



Biohazard Fee


Excessively Dirty (interior/exterior)


Full Vehicle Clay Bar


Condition Leather


Clean Child Car Seat